Few Republicans in the primary treatment of the first presidential debate, which took place in South Carolina last Friday, as a reliable indicator of emotions in a fragmented and increasingly disillusioned with the party. And there are probably a good reason. Ultimately, only four are declared at the GOP presidential candidates even bothered to show, and only one of the former Governor of Minnesota Tim Pawlenty - familiarly known as "T-Paw." but copied to the "Tea-Paw" by Democrats - is considered a serious contender.
However, Pawlenty, obviously, failed to "win." A focus group conducted with 30 voters in the core of the Republican Party, who saw the event 90 minutes on Fox News said the grand old founder of Pizza CEO Herman Cain and sponsor the winner. Cain, a black Republican who wants America to return to the gold standard, which says that Muslims can not be trusted to serve in the federal government has appealed to the predominantly white, middle-class public in the same way, Donald Trump - with feisty, frank language of business without the usual sound bites.
But Cain, unlike Trump, is also the language of contemporary conservatism - taxes, the deficit, and what he calls irresistibly "the threat to the American dream" big three "tions" - "regulation", "the legislation "and, of course," taxes. " And the Baby Tea Party and GOP rising star Marco Rubio, Cain also likes to defend the alleged American "exceptionalism," its special place in world history as a beacon of hope, freedom and prosperity. Sometimes the face of Cain and delivered as an exhortation, including a preacher, a familiar figure in the "Bible Belt" south.
But Cain was wisely avoided abstract moralism - problems and social divisions - but points out from time to time, the financial bottom line. He also used race in his favor, quipping that "people who oppose Obama, is said to be racist - so I guess I'm a racist" line of white audiences, of course, love. While Cain has never served a warrant, anyone who listens to seem interesting. Given the current state of mind ugly, especially on the right, about professional politicians, that seems only to increase his appeal.
Cain's ability to engage in the debate (some observers say, perennial libertarian Ron Paul ran a close second) is suggestive of the depth of antipathy toward GOP moderate, often derided as "Republicans in name only," or Rinos, the race among the conservative base of the party. This is probably one reason why so many of the moderate senator from South Dakota John Thune of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, is sitting this election. It can also mean a disaster for Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, the former Office of Management and Budget (OMB) director under George W. Bush, who left in anger against the conservatives by calling for a "ceasefire" on social issues, and if wonkish, a sober style reinforces the impression among party activists that he can not rely on issues.
herman cain
In addition, impunity for themselves Pawlenty well, the decision to Mitt Romney, the presumed GOP pioneer, to sit in the debate could be costly. Romney's "front-loaded" primary strategy means that the first huge win in New Hampshire to compensate for its loss forecast in Iowa - Pawlenty and, perhaps, or the former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, if you end up joining the race next month. But the former governor of Massachusetts, but the base to the south, to strengthen his case that is more than just a regional administration reported. And the state is more important to the case in South Carolina, where historically, the gain or loss that makes or breaks a candidate of the GOP.
Haley Barbour had been rising rapidly in South Carolina Straw Polls before suddenly withdrawn from the race last month. In addition, the reluctance to run Huckabee, Romney has, among other things, the new political openness here, who was forced to use. Now, if the criticism of Romney's speech to override the debate is any indication, the opening may be closed, perhaps permanently. This is not the year of the GOP candidates - or President Obama that matter - to take the segment of the electorate for granted. Even less when you already have the fire "RomneyCare", and you can keep your devoted Mormonism otherwise sympathetic evangelical voters away.
But assuming it has created an opening, a candidate who Cain really make serious progress?
Before the debate Friday, less than a quarter of Republicans nationwide have heard of a man, like the National Restaurant Association, Chairman of the meeting in early 1990, has the honor of Bill Clinton stopped cold on the initiative of health care . And so far has only passed the first obstacle small. Yet, there is much more to this man - so good or bad - of many people, even Republicans, could be achieved. Cain recently appeared in the critical case of New Hampshire political prisoners in an important collection of state funds at home, and impressed his audience with the GOP there. And his campaign management, social media gives him a unique opportunity to spread their message - and the word of his latest "success" - near and far.
Following the victory of his conversation, one of the polling stations, the group has recently published statistics listing the current GOP pioneers. Predictably, Cain is still rather low on the list - until the pollsters adjust the results of the account, "the fame of" When the calculations, Cain polls at the same level of Sarah Palin, or Donald Trump, who has second place, behind Romney and Huckabee but clearly more Pawlenty and Gingrich, who is entering the race. In fact, Cain, "the intensity of the positive" rating, as measured by Gallup to set him right with Romney and Huckabee. This means that, assuming his reputation grows, he can also start taking.
If this sounds implausible, consider that in the middle of 2007, Huckabee, former Arkansas governor and an unknown Baptist minister suddenly came out of nowhere from a previous debate performances, like Cain, last week, which showed that the ability of a candidate to throw people out and down-home conservative "Everyman." Huckabee used that performance into a party-wide recognition, and then continue the discussion so well that eventually won eight Republican primaries like Iowa and 20% of the votes in the GOP.
Cain, of course, is still far from the path assuming Huckabee. However, their increased visibility, while the fragmentation of the Republican field even more in the short term, could develop a prominent black Republican at a time when black support for Obama and the Democrats, though still high, has reached its lowest level ever. Add to that favorability rating dropped in favor of Obama among Hispanics - only 42% say it should be re-elected - and the match can be found in Cain useful, if short-term champion of republican ideas in a race for president who everyone agrees is much closer to 2008, when black and Latino voters flocked to Obama in record numbers.
"Raising Cain" may be all that lethargic and dull field of GOP presidential has to get more motivated.
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